Please make a large, detailed diagram of your home and email it to the behavior department at Label each room; identify windows (W), doors(D), large furniture (e.g., bed, couch, table), litter box locations (LB plus a number for each box), feeding areas (F), and favorite resting areas(R); also indicate where your cat spends the most time. If aggressive encounters are occurring, please indicate (A) where they occur. If your cat is having an elimination problem, please add the locations where your cat eliminates onto the map of your house you made earlier. Label any areas where your cat has urinated or defecated, using these codes: U=Urine, U*=Urine, Most Often, BM=Stool, BM*=Stool, Most Often. Label the type of flooring in each room (e.g., carpet, cement, linoleum, tile).
If you are unable to scan a diagram for attachment to your email, please fax the completed diagram(s) to 248-334-3693 or bring them to your appointment.